Tuesday 10 January 2012

Exploring Tabor

~ Tabor East in the early morning, Jimmy alone ~
Jimmy wakes up in the early morning, his sisters still snoring in the cabin. He walks out the cabin on deck. The docks of Tabor East quiet. He sees the captain, who's already awake, and asks him, why they haven't set sails already. The Captain points to the ice surrounding the ship, and to some sailors busy trying to free the ship from the icy prison. Jimmy nods and understands that this will take a while. He grabs his cloak and decides to do some more errands, in the hope he can buy and sell more goods, maybe make some profits that bring him closer to a good dowry for his sisters to find Free Companions.
At the market stalls on the docks he has to realize, that not many traders are awake at this time of the day. He finds a sleepy slave to sell him some salt and another one to sell him some paga. He takes the barrels and jars back to the ship, then asks one of the traders if there are other markets, where he'd have more luck. One of them mentions Tabor Fields in the North West. Jimmy approaches the captain again and asks how long it will take till the ship is freed from the ice. As the captain tells him, that it will at least take half of the day, Jimmy nods and decides to take a look at the other marketplaces.

~ Tabor Fields, Jimmy alone ~

Jimmy enjoys wandering along the frozen river in the early morning sun. He thinks of his verr and the many mornings, when he led them from their stable out to the hills, where they could find fresh grass. He wonders how they are feeling now without him. If they miss him? If Uncle Veshter will take good care of them?

Finally he reaches market stalls. "Shish musht be Tabor Fieldsh!", he thinks, but his excitement soon settles as he notices that here - too - not many traders are awake yet. But he beams with joy, as he notices the sugar-baker. He licks his lips as he sees the candy-canes. They are expensive, but he likes to treat slaves with them and thinks they might also be good to trade them, as he never seen them anywhere else but here in Tabor. So enthusiastically he buys all stocks off the trader and stuffs the sticky candy canes into his bag. Also buying a crate full of honey, sure that they will sell well in the south. He's just about to turn his back to the market as his gaze falls on butter on another market stand. "Butter!” he shouts and thinks of his sister Cessie, so he buys some stones in weight for his sister.
Jimmy as he finally doesn't find anything else to buy asks the sugar-baker, if there's another marketplace. The man tells him to either try the Highlands, the Oasis or the Tropics. Not familiar with the region he offers the ferryman some copper bits to bring him to the one that is closest. Though it's early morning, the ferryman smells badly of sul-paga and doesn't seem sober at all. But finally nods, takes the coins from Jimmy and takes him just around the corner of the hills...

~ Tabor Tropics, Jimmy & a slaveboy ~

Jimmy wonders as the climate suddenly changes as they pass the hills. One moment chilling cold, the next moment a warm air around him. As they reach the dock, he jumps off the ferry. A male slave is sitting on the docks, daydreaming. Surprised by his arrival the slave boy jumps up and falls backwards into the water.

Slave: "Greetings, Master!"

Jimmy looks over the rim of the docks and shouts down to the water "Greetingsh, shleepy shlave!

The Slave glugs as he re-surfaces.

Jimmy: "Ish you here trading shlave? Me hash many, many, many goodsh to trade! And Candy-canesh! Many, many."
Slave: "Yes, Master! Oh, that is good, Master"
Jimmy confirming once more: "Very mush!"
The slave crawls from the water back to the docks and kneels before the master. "Have you been trading master?"

Jimmy: "You'sh good shlave, but musht be more attentive"

Slave: "Yes, Master. Forgive me, Master, I am sorry."

Jimmy nods proudly "Shimmy trading manyish! Plenty of barrelsh of paga and shul-paga and osher shings. I alsho hash wool. Do you need woolsh? I come from Tabor Easht, ish our ship shere... - But really... boy musht better look around!"

Slave: "Are you planning on cornering the market master?"

Jimmy: "Ish many evil peoplesh around. Not all sho nishe ash Shimmy!"

The Slave misunderstands the master and looks all around him. "Yes, Master, there are bad people. But as my master's boy it is my duty to greet Frees that come to my master's trading post. Though I am more wary than I used to be."

Jimmy: "But you not greetingsh meesh. You shleepy eyesh in watersh."

Slave: "Yes, you are right, Master, forgive this slave."

Jimmy searches in his pouch and pulls out one of the ramberry pie pieces he had put into his bag as travel food and could manage to hide from his sisters. It looks a bit mushy, but smells good "Boy ish hungry?"

The Slave smiles brightly. "Boys are always hungry, Master"

Jimmy: "Shimmy wash looking for blackwine and cacao for villash and trade. Peoplesh shaid, find here. But no mush leftsh."

The Slave smiles again brightly. "My master provides the finest black wine and cacao in the tropics, Master. How much was master thinking of purchasing?"

Jimmy shrugs "Not shure how mush need for making for whole villash. Ish big villash... more peoplesh shen fingersh on my hand!" He stretches his fingers to show.

The Slave: "That is a big village indeed, Master", River says agreeing with the young trader but still baffled to how much black wine and cacao he would need as ten people was not really that much.

Jimmy adds "Shishter shay ish shikshty peoplesh...", then he frowns down to the piece of pie between the slave's legs "You not like ramberry piesh?"

Slave: "oh, yes, Master, I love ramberry pie!"

Jimmy: "Shen why not eat?"
Slave: "Thank you, Master. I was waiting for permission, Master", he says stretching the truth just a tiny bit. Reality was, he hadn’t noticed the pie put before him as he was busy watching the young master. He looks up at the young master with wide green eyes and asks. "Please may I have permission, Master, to eat?"
Jimmy not familiar with the use of slaves, as they don't have any in their village except that one big girl of his uncle Shifty, nods "Aye! Eat! Eat!"
Slave: "Oh, thank you, Master", he says trying to sound enthusiastic as he eyes the pie a little closer. He picks it up and smiles. "hmmmm yummy," he says as he pulls a long piece of wool and a stick of straw off of it. As he bites into it, his teeth hit something hard and he pulls a bent tarsk bit out of his mouth. "I think this might be yours, Master," he says handing it back.

Jimmy giggles "Oh!", and takes the tarsk from the boy "Me wondered where all she coinsh went!"

The Slave picks another bit from the pie and sucks it clean before handing that back too.

Jimmy proudly "Shimmy hash shars of honeysh! Enough to lure bearsh from foresht and hunt shem! Barrelsh of paga. Barrelsh of shul-paga"

Slave: "That is a lot of honey, Master" he says quite impressed. He finishes the pie as quickly as he can, not daring to look at it too closely afraid of what he might find. "And so much paga and sul paga.". He thinks for a second then asks: "What will your village do with so much paga?"

Jimmy giggles "Make bearsh drunk after eating she honey, sho ish eashier to hunt!"

The Slave giggles.

Jimmy: "Well, Shimmy needsh to go continue looking around sho I be back to shity before shishtersh awake. When your Masther ish shere, I come back and get more blackwine poudersh! Shafe pash, boy. And better watsh out!" He waves to the slave and jumps into the ferry, waking the drunken ferryman who fallen asleep again. He tells him to bring him to the next market...

~ Tabor Oasis, Jimmy alone ~

Jimmy arrives with the ferry at the oasis. When it was warm in the Tropics here it is really hot. He starts to sweat with his thick cloak, glad that at least he's not wearing his long woollen underwear, as that takes so long to dry, after his sisters washed it some days ago.

Jimmy looks around, but in these early morning hours the market here seems sleeping like all the others. All he finds is a metal-trader who sells him some iron. Not familiar with the prices of iron, he only buys some and hopes he didn't pay too much for them.

Jimmy just catches the ferry before the ferryman could fall asleep again. He tells him to bring him back to Tabor East, but as soon as they reach the colder regions, the ferry runs aground and Jimmy has to jump out of it before it sinks.

~ Tabor Fields, Jimmy and a Lady ~

Lady: "Tal Sir! Welcome to Tabor"

Jimmy swears and shakes his wet boot, as the stupid, drunken ferryman dropped him into the river, breaking through the ice. Still stomping his boot and shaking his leg looks up in surprise as he notices the woman "Tal, lady", he says lightly blushing about his swearing.

Lady: "Ferrymen are sots, are they not?"

Jimmy: "And shank you!" - He nods. "I shink he ish drunk. Shmellsh like a sul-paga brewery!"

The Lady hopes her veil acts as a filter.

Jimmy smiles shyly: "I am Shimmy, shepherd in our villash". He points towards Tabor East "I'm on travelsh wish my shishtersh, but shey are shtill shleeping. Musht be very tired from shnoring all night"

Lady: "I am Kathy of OLD Midgaard. Where is your village?"

Jimmy points North. "Ish in she norsh near she big woodsh. - And well meeted, Lady. Ish shere a NEW Midgaard too?"

Kathy: "Yes, but not the same as the grande city it once was under Almighty Overlord"

Jimmy scratches his head "I not know old nor new Midgaard. Ish shat far?"

Kathy: "In the foothills of the Sardar"

Jimmy looks surprised "Oh, shen ish not too far from our villash! Ish not sho far to Shardar... maybe two handsh walking by foot."

Kathy: "What is the name of your village?"

Jimmy shrugs "Ish called 'villash'"

Kathy: "Village of Rorus?"

Jimmy: "Ish only my clan... fasher, unclesh, coushins, my shishtersh..."

Kathy: "I would love to see it!"

Jimmy smiles patiently as the woman speaks a strange accent and probably has problems to understand his fine Gorean: "No.. not roarush... shusht.... 'villash'. Ish not mush to shee... shusht verr... hillsh... and our hutsh"

Kathy: "I wish you and your village much luck in the future then"

Jimmy smiles "Shank you again. You are very nishe! Ish shere many men wishout companionsh in your shitty? Becaushe I need to find companionsh for my lovely shishtersh!"

Kathy: "There are several men with slaves but not companions". She laughs.

Jimmy adds lowering his voice to a whisper: "... becaushe shey are going on my nervesh trying to marry me wish a woman and talking all she time of she many, many nephewsh and neishesh shey want from me..."

Kathy: "Then you need to cap . . . I mean . . . find a woman for you"

Jimmy beams "Ah, no companionsh? Shat'sh good! I'll bring my shishtersh shere! Shey are big, healshy womansh!". He grimaces at her suggestion and waves his hand "Naaaaay! I not need a companion sho shoon. I want to shee she world firsht! Shere are sho many ekshiting plashesh!" He adds mumbling more to himself "... and nishe kashirash... but all sho SHIN!". Then continues louder: "Sho, what are you doing here in Tabor shen, when you are from sho far away?"

Kathy: "Travelling back carefully"

Jimmy tilts his head to the side "Are you a mershant?"

Kathy: "of sorts, yes"

Jimmy points again to Tabor East "We are travelling too. But now she ship ish capshured in she ishe and she shailorsh hash to make it free. Sho I am looking aroundsh and buying shingsh for shell it osherwheresh". After a break he asks curious: "What do you trade wish?"

Kathy: "I sell bondage aids - gags, cuffs, shackles, ropes - that sort of stuff"

Jimmy thinking of the dowry he wants to get together for his sisters "Do you need woolsh? I hash many woolsh from my verr"

Kathy: "Woolsh? Oh wool!!!"

Jimmy nods "Ish what I shat." He nods and beams proudly "Yesh, I hash many woolsh. I hash verrsh and shey are lovely. Sho shoft! And very shmart!". Then he sniffs, wipes his nose with the back of his hand and scratches his leg thinking "Hmmm.... gagsh, cuffsh, shacklesh? Who buysh shat? I don't shink we need shat, unlesh my shishtersh want to capshure me a companion"

Kathy: "Many men buy after they see it used"

Jimmy pulls an old dirty painting out of his belt and shows it the woman "Look! Shat ish Elishabish, one of my favoritesh!"

Kathy: "What capture item would you like to see?"

Jimmy looks puzzled "Shee?"

Kathy: "Ropes? Gag?"

Jimmy shrugs. "I don't know. I never sheen shoshe on she market."

Kathy places a gag between her lips to show him. She mumbles: "hufhfhh huf hhh!!!"

Jimmy curiously watches the woman putting the gag between her lips "Oh.... and you trade wish shoshe? Shat'sh..... interesthing"

Kathy nods hoping he doesn’t lock it on her. She also shows him the rope collection on her right wrist.

Jimmy frowns "But how can you trade wish it when you wear it in your moush? Peoplesh will not undershtand yoush!"

Kathy reaches up to remove the gag.

Jimmy: "Shat ish a dansheroush bishnesh! You can getsh capshured and shey shteel your goodsh, when you showsh shat all yourshelf. Maybe you should get a shlave for modeling it?"

Kathy: "I have no one else to help me"

Jimmy wonders as the ferry arrives again with a passenger... A woman jumping out of it, almost as tall as his younger of two older sisters, and running away. He narrows his eyes "What wash shat?", but then rubs his nose "Maybe she ship ish free and she ish running to she harbour. I should return shoonsh too before she ship leavesh wishout me?". He waves to the drunken ferryman to wait for him, but the fool already left again, almost falling overboard.

Jimmy sighs and checks the ice stomping on it. "You shink it will carry me, Lady?"

Kathy: "Down river maybe"

Jimmy jumps several times up and down "Well, it sheemsh to be fine. Sho, I better walk back on she ishe. It wash nishe to meet you. Good luck wish your tradingsh. And I shoon will vishit your shity wish my shishtersh to find nishe companionsh for shem! Shafe pash!"

Kathy: "Safe paths"

Jimmy smiles and bows a bit, then turns and carefully slides along the iced river. As he reaches warmer regions again, he knows that he lost direction.

~ Back in Tabor Tropics, Jimmy and a warrior ~

Jimmy scratches his head as he obviously has taken the wrong direction and lands in that warm area again. He suddenly stops as he sees huge big bird. His eyes growing big in awe.

Warrior: "Tal!"

Jimmy notices the man and steps carefully a bit closer, raising his hand "Tal, Shir!"

The warrior looks at the stranger

Jimmy points to the tarn "Ish shat your bird?"

The warrior lets his curiosity take over and steps closer, answering: "Aye, It’s mine."

Jimmy smiles. "I hash not sheen many of shese in my life. It'sh a tarn, ish it?"

The Warrior looks at the man, puzzled; surprised he hasn't seen a Tarn before.

Jimmy rolls his eyes to the sky, considering if he ever seen one before.

Warrior: "Are you a Visitor?"

Jimmy nods and smiles "I am Shimmy of she clan of Bloch." He points to Tabor East "I am on travelsh wish my shishtersh. Trying to shell our woolsh and finding companionsh for my shishtersh"

Warrior: I am Kenny Draesia, Sergeant of the Tabor Guard and Commander of Tabor Mountains."
Jimmy's eyes growing even bigger "Oh... A sharshent? Shat musht be shomeshing very important? Sho, well meeted Kenny Sharshent!". Then quickly adds asking "Do you hash a companion?"

Kenny: "I keep male slaves boy. My companion is my 1st boy." He eyes the stranger with caution. "So? You are just wandering?"

Jimmy frowns "Shlave boysh? What do you do wish shlave boysh?", then he grins wide "Ohhhhhhh.... I shee! You are kidding me!". Then frowns again "But I am not shtupid!". He stomps his boot on the ground sulking

Kenny: "No, boy, I am not kidding." He leans back a bit and relaxes on his hind foot, still watching the boy.

Jimmy rubs his nose, still thinking the man is making fun of him, but then remembers his meeting of the male slave at the dock "Oh... shere wash a boy over shere... Wash shat yoursh?"

Kenny: "So? I suppose you are harmless?". He hears a commotion from the Tarn and glances to see River in the distance. Looking back to Jimmy he asks: "Are you here to meet the boy River?"

Jimmy sniffs "And I am NOT a boy! Me ish twenty and one yearsh old... at leasht!"

~ Tabor Tropics - Jimmy, Kenny, River ~

River: "Greetings, Masters"

Kenny: "Greetings, River."

River skirts around the tarn nervously. Still not liking the great beasts.

Kenny blushes and stutters...

Jimmy points behind the man "Yesh... I meeted shat boy before. He wash shelling me shome black wine." He nods to the slave "Greetingsh, boy"

Kenny: "I didn't chase this one off. I actually was here first, just patrolling when this man arrived."

River looks at the trader. "It's nice to see you again, Master." He turns to Master Kenny. "I know this master, master"

Jimmy nods and grins to the warrior: "Shee?!?"

River: "He is a valued customer of my master"

Jimmy nods.

Kenny looks at the man again, more closely this time. "I'll remember that then, lil one."

Jimmy: "I am in Tabor Easht wish my shishtersh. Shey are shtill shnoring. She ship ish capshured in ishe"

River struggles to follow the young master's accent and smiles picking up the few words he understood. "My master will be very happy to hear that you came back, Master."

Kenny relaxes, secure that River is at the moment safe.

Jimmy - misunderstanding the man - pouts: "You not call me lil one! I know, I am not ash tall ash my shishtersh, but shey shay I will grow shooner or latersh. Sho don't call me little not!"

Kenny grins at the man, "Don't worry, I'm leaving, and I was talking to the slave"

Jimmy: "Oh..."

Kenny: "Safe paths, Jimmy"

Jimmy turns to the slaveboy "I shink I got losht"

River smiles again because the master is probably the only one he met that is smaller than he is.

Kenny: "River? Serve with fire"

River: "I shall, Master. May your arrows fly true"

Kenny turns and runs, leaping on the Tarn and pulling the one strap to soar skyward.

Jimmy - not knowing what he should tell someone who rides on a tarn in the air with no pathes - just guesses "Uhm... shafe... ridesh, Shir!"

~ Tabor East - Jimmy, River, a Slave girl ~

River turns to the trader, "Might I invite you to my master's home, Master? And then I can help you return to Tabor East was it?"

Slave girl: "Tal, Jarls". She smiles at the boy.

River waves to his master's friend as he takes to the sky. He turns seeing a girl that is unknown to him and gives her a smile.

Jimmy turns in surprise as he hears another female voice and notices the Slave girl "Tal, shlavegirl"

Slave girl smiles warmly at him and looks around the place.

Jimmy turns to the slaveboy "Ish bishy plashe here, it sheemsh!"

River: "Aye master we are a busy trading post. My Master is away on travels right now, but I expect him to return sometime today. And I am charged with conducting business for him while he is away." He gives the girl a wink when the master isn't looking.

The Slave girl turns around looking for the Jarl that her Jarl told her to look for.

River: "Master might I help this girl? She looks lost."

Jimmy points to his full stuffed backbag "Oh, I hash been bishy buying shingsh. My shishtersh will be very proud". Then nods to the slaveboy "Aye.. do sho"

River: "Thank you, Master," River turns to the girl. "What did you want on the tropics Sister?"

The Slave girl smiles looking at the boy which seems rather friendly: "Jarl told me to visit you and search for Geo here"

River thinks hard not knowing a slave called Geo. "I am sorry, I don't know the slave you look for." He thinks for another moment. "It is a slave you search, isn't it? If you give me a map, I will pass it on to the person you seek if i ever meet him."

The Slave girl nods, looking around worried. "I will go look in some other place then"

Jimmy listens only half ear to the conversation of the slaves. His bag getting a bit heavy on his shoulders with all the goods he bought, especially the iron pigs.

The Slave girl smiles warmly listening at the Jarl "I wish you well, Jarl" she says with soft voice then waves at the boy and walks away quietly

River notices the master getting impatient and turns his attention back to him. "Might I carry those for you master?", he asks.

~ Jimmy, River and a stranger arrives, looking like a savage ~

Savage: "Tal, you both!"

Jimmy frowns as another man approaches. He whispers to the slave "It ISH really a bishy plashe!", then raises his hand "Tal, Shir!". His eyes rest on the drawn bow and he raises his eyebrows "You are going hunting?"

River turns hearing footsteps behind him. "Tal, Master," he says looking nervous. "How might this boy help you?"

Savage: "More or less, yes." Then to the boy: "Hm, possible." He looks from one to the another and thinks a bit.

Jimmy looks from the man to the woods on the other side, considering if there's some meat he could hunt for dinner. He turns his gaze back to the man "Ish shere good to hunt in she woodsh?"

Savage: "I think, you know, who i am? Or not?" Then: "But I think not." Then suddenly "Argh! I forgot a shedule. Need to go. Be well!"

River: "I am just a boy doing my master's bidding, Master, and dealing with this visitor to our fair isle."

Jimmy frowns at the man's words, wondering why every free man is so aggressive here

River lets out the breath he was holding.

~ Kenny returns, Jimmy and River still there at the trading post ~

River: "I think we should go somewhere more secure, Master, in case he returns."

Jimmy notices the slaveboy relaxing and exhailing loudly "Ish not a nishe man?"

River: "No is not nishe ... i mean nice man, master. I must tell my master he was here."

Jimmy nods to the slaveboy.

River: "Master, please come into the office where you will be safe"

Jimmy shifts the weight of the bag "Shish ish getting heavy. I shink it wash a fault to buy iron"

Kenny: "Tal again, litle one!"

River pauses on the dock seeing the warrior is back

Kenny giggles

River: "Master, there was a stranger here"

Kenny: "I was just passing back through, River."

River: "I recognised him from his description as a warrior that has a cos on his head"

Kenny looks around.

Jimmy smiles as the other man arrives again. His eyes searching around for the intriguing big bird. He's just about to complain again as the man calls him 'little', when he recognises, that he is talking to the slave.

River: "I think, he fled when he saw your tarn overhead"

Kenny: "Greetings, Sir. I am just a patrolling warrior."

Jimmy: "Greetingsh again, Shir Kenny Sharshent!"

Kenny grins at River. "Aye, boy, from the air he looked like Aaragon, though I can't be sure."
River turns to the trader: "Mastery you should be on your guard, the tropics are no longer safe."

Kenny nods in agreement. "Aye, Jimmy, there are outlaws everywhere."

River: "Aye, Master, he had the look of a savage about him. Like the ones I have seen on Tidra. His bow was drawn."

Jimmy looks to the slave boy "You shink he wash not on hunt for dinner, shlave?"

Kenny looks one more time around, making sure all is well with Franzie's property.

River: "No, Master, I think he was on the hunt for slave boys. I have heard he only has the courage to attack unarmed boys." He lowers his head knowing that he was speaking out of turn about a free.

~ Kenny, Jimmy, River - another man arriving ~

Kenny grins and turns to go back to my Tarn. "HAHAHA!"

The Merchant smiles as he notices his old friend visiting "Kenny!!!"

River looks up with a bright smile on his face. "You are here, my Master."

Kenny looks around, pleased to see his good friend. "Tal, Franzi!"

The Merchant then raises his eyebrows to the visitor "Greetings.... boy"

River moves to his master's feet, kneeling in the sand before him.

Kenny waits patiently knowing Franzie must survey all for himself.

Jimmy stomps his foot again on the ground as once more he is adressed as boy "I am NOT a boy!!!", he answers pouting. But then friendlier, still sulking a bit "But Tal, Shir!"

River: "My master, this Master is here on trade."

Kenny interjects: "And I'm patrolling, Franz."

River nuzzles his master's groin deeply. inhaling his master.

The Merchant pulls his boy tight to his legs, smiling as his boy buries his nose in his crotch. Over his boy's shoulder he looks to the visitor "Oh... forgive me... I'm Franziskus of Tidra, merchant here in the Tropics". He looks over to Kenny "All well and quiet, Kenny?"

Kenny chuckles at his friend. "Seems so, Franz". He points towards the dock. "I arrived just in time to see a boat sail."

River: "There was a warrior here, my Master, but he ran when the master's tarn flew overhead.

Jimmy grimaces as he sees the male slave nuzzling in his master's crotch. But he shrugs it off, not too familiar with the customs in the civilized world. He finally raises a hand "I am Shimmy of she Clan of Bloch"

Franziskus: "A warrior? Or an outlaw?" He looks puzzled and only half minded nods to the dirty visitor "Well met, Shimmy"

Kenny: "He appeared outlaw from the air, Franz."

Jimmy: "It's not 'Shimmy' - it's SHIMMY!"

River: "I do not think he was here to protect us, my Master, I think maybe an outlaw"

Franziskus looks even more puzzled now "Errrr.... yes.... Shimmy....", then looks down to his boy and whispers "Wasn't that what I said?"

Kenny chuckles and turns a bit, ever wary.

River shudders and feels better that he had his bow on his back as his master commanded he always wore outside of the house.

Jimmy takes a deep breath and speaks very slowly as he supposes the man is a bit stupid "It's SHI-MMY!"

River: "I think it's"... River hesitates not wanting to say the name of a Free. He thinks for a moment then picks up a stick and draws what he thinks the name is in the sand: JIMMY.

Kenny: "It looked like Aaragon, Franz. The person I saw sail away hastily."

Franziskus looks with eyes yelling for help at his boy and Kenny, then down to the scribbling of his boy "Oh, Jimmy?"

River looks at his master expectantly.

Jimmy beams "Ah, now you hash it! Yesh, it'sh Shimmy!"

Franziskus then narrows his eyes and looks to Kenny "Aragon?"

Kenny: "Aye, Franz. Seems he has an aversion to my Tarn... Can't imagine why."

Franziskus smiles and looks up to his own tarn "I wished he had an aversion to Greywing too!"

Kenny: "The shadow of my Tarn overhead seems to terrify him."

River: "It is a shame we can't have fluffy on the dock, my Master" He grins, the old sleen attacks everyone that moves even his master.

Kenny grins, lifting a hand to his mouth. "Skyy, Is a Bit Scary."

Jimmy follows the other man's gaze to the tarn, noticing just now the other big bird at the docks "Ohhhhhhh, anosher tarn!". He beams at that lucky day, when he saw two of the mighty birds.

Franziskus ruffles his boy's hair "Well, I think you have some chores to do, my lil sunshine. Now as the healer said, you are fully recovered, it is time to pick up your tasks again. I think Endy is already reaching for the position as First boy...."

Kenny looks concerned at Franz and urgently meets his friend's eyes. "Beware, Franz, Abir is about again, with Winston Fang, Who we capped the other night."

River: "Yes, my Master. I do not intend to let him take it."

Franziskus growls at the mentioning of that name.

River: "If I might be excused, my Master"

Kenny: "They made the mistake of coming close to me with swords."

Jimmy as the warrior mentions the sword looks to the man's hip with awe and jealousy, always wanted to have a sword too though he never learned how to handle it

Kenny approaches his friend and clasps Franz' shoulder. "Never worry, Franz..."

River stands up and looks to his master for permission to leave. "I shall do my chores now my master"

Franziskus ruffles his boy's hair "Go and do your chores, mine"

Kenny looks at River hearing the slave's words. "Serve with fire, lil one."

River: "Safe paths, Master," he says to Kenny. He turns to the trader, "Safe paths, Master. " He smiles finally at his own master and whispers: "I shall be at my chores, my Master, shout me if I am needed"

Kenny then turns to Jimmy. "Safe paths, Jimmy. May your journeys be profitable"

Jimmy: "Shafe pash, shlave!", he answers intrigued and puzzled the same time, experiencing so many exciting things today... male slaves, tarns, womans trading gag-balls.....

River hurries across the bridge back to his home. A soft smile on his lips at seeing his master.

~ Kenny, Jimmy, Franziskus left on the Trading Post ~

Kenny: "Franz?"

Franziskus: "Yes, Kenny?" His eyes return from his boy's butt as he walks to the house, back to Kenny with a warm smile.

Kenny claps his good friend's shoulder more tightly. "I must away it seems"

Franziskus nods "I think you had night-shift patrol, hm?"

Kenny: "Be always safe and may your paths be guarded." He rubs his weary face."Aye, Night duty wears on a man."

Jimmy looks a bit disappointed as the warrior seems to be about to leave and he can't see the big bird anymore, but then again... there is still the other one there at the docks and he watches the tarn with awe. Just raising his hand to the warrior "Shafe pash and shall your tarn alwaysh find tabuk!"

Kenny grins at Jimmy and slaps Franz on the back affectionately.

Franziskus smiles and whispers to Kenny "I think he likes your tarn...."

Kenny: "Fare well all." He turns and sprints for Skyy

Franziskus waves to Kenny "Safe paths, my friend!"

~ Tabor Tropics Trading Post, Franziskus & Jimmy ~

Franziskus watches his friend leaving on the back of the brother of the wind, then turns to his visitor "So, what can I do for you, Jimmy?"

Jimmy points to his heavy bag "I ish trading. Do you needsh iron? I shusht boaght it, but it'sh heavy". He pulls the iron pigs out of his bag and piles them up on the docks "I hash... 20 and..." - he counts ".. 15".

Franziskus inspects his empty crates "Hmmmm... I could indeed do with some iron. How much do you want for it?" He looks at his prices then suggests "hmmm... 35 bars... each 20 TS.... that would be 7 KT"

Jimmy looks a bit disappointed to the man. He tries to count on his fingers... having paid 2 KT for 5... and that 7 times... that's 14 KT.... twice as much as the man offers him. He shakes his head, but he doesn't want to carry the heavy iron back to the ship either. He suggests "20 copper coinsh!"

Franziskus shakes his head "Ahhh, impossible! There won't be any profit for me...", but then he feels pity with the young man, as he seems not used to trades "How much did you pay for it, Jimmy"

Jimmy's face saddens, thinking that he made a bad deal and the dowery for his sisters once again moved out of reach "I hash paid 14 KT for it"

Franziskus nods "Well.. fine... I give you 15 for it, so you at least have a copper profit. Is that okay for you? I don't have any profit then myself, but you seem to be a nice young man"

Jimmy smiles "Oh, shank you, Shir! Yesh... 15 KT ish fine. Sho I don't have a losh!"

Franziskus smiles too as he sees the simple young man happy. He reaches to his coin-pouch counting the KT on the man's dirty palm. He grins as the man seems to be happy now and bouncing around. "Anything else I can do for you?"

Jimmy shakes his head "I shoon will come again to buy more cacao and black wine, but now I shall go back to Tabor Easht. I shink my shishtersh will awake shoon and maybe she ship ish free of ishe now". He suddenly remembers and asks: "Do you hash a free companion, shir?"

Franziskus grins a bit surprised by the question, thinking that is an offer. Though the young man seems to be not too bad under the dirty skin, with some clean clothes and a nice haircut he could actually be handsome... but he carefully and slowly answers "errrrrr..... not at the moment... but neither have a need for it"

Jimmy looks disappointed "Awwww, shat ish bad. I hash two lovely shishtersh! I can bring shem to you one day sho you look at shem?"

Franziskus coughs and gulps as he realizes, that the offer was not for the man himself but for his sisters "Oh.. uhm... of course... feel free to visit with your... sisters soon". He looks over to the house suddenly in a bit of hurry "Uhmmm.... so, if I can't do more for you at the moment, then excuse me, please. I haven't had breakfast yet. It's still early morning"

Jimmy nods "Aye... of courshe... and I hash to return to she ship. I wish you wellsh, Shir!"

Franziskus smiles and nods before he turns to his house "Safe paths, young man. Nice to meet you", then he hurries to his house before the man drags his sisters in.

~ Jimmy alone on the docks ~

Franziskus shouts: "Aah!"

Jimmy just about to risk the ferry once more turns as he hears the man scream in the distance. He shouts over the bay "Everyshing well, Shir???"

Franziskus ((shouted)) tries to catch his breath staring at the disaster. He hears the young man calling from outside and shouts back over his shoulder "Y...YES... EVERY... THING.... FINE!"

Jimmy frowns a moment as he seems to notice some worry in the nice man's voice, but then shrugs and jumps into the boat, hurrying back to the ship before his sisters are  away.

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