Sunday 29 January 2012

A bash and a tame - now dead - tabuk

Good shcribe... you shcribe down what I shay... What? A copper bit eash word?? She shailor taked only one copper tarshk for she whole shide! What? He wash a shailor, but you ish a shcribe? Who caresh? Oh, it'sh really time I learn to write myshelf! I can already she lettersh from A to E... Sho, ish only five more or sho to learn! What? Ish mush more??? Oh my!

Why are you writing all shat down?! Shtop shat! Do you shink I pay you for all you write. I shaid shtop! Good! Now writesh!

Ish shaturday today, sho it wash bashing time. I shrubbed and shrubbed, and when I wash finished and all she dirt wash off and my hair wash washed, my shishtersh shaid "Oh, shere'sh a handshome man under all shat dirt!"
What you mean 'Shey are right?' What do you know?! You are a man. Do you hash a nishe shishter or daughter maybe? Why are you writing shish too? I ashked YOU! Oh well... Write!

Sho shey alsho shay, I am shtill vertically shallenshed. I hash no idea what shey meansh... What? You mean shey shink I'm short? Oh, what do you know?! I don't pay you for shpeaking, shusht writing. Sho write! And shtop shniggering!

Sho, while we shtill waited to make tradingsh wish shat mershant in she tropicsh and shen to find a way to come back to she mainshlandsh, I wash ekshploring she osher landsh around. I found a tame tabuk in a land in she easht... I shink Tabor Mountainsh or sho... I could pat it'sh head and shcratsh it behind it'sh ear. Shen it dropped dead. I wash devasht... devisht... very, very shad! But tonight we will have nishe tabuk roasht to eat!

My shisther Sheshi hash catshed a wild verr and now shinksh she can ride to she mainshlandsh. Shatsh shilly! Verr cannot shwim!

Fine! Shat wash it. How mush do I owe you? What?! Can I pay you in verr sheeshe?

Jimmy: "Hey shere, tabuk!"
Jimmy pats the tabuk on the head and scratches it behind it's ears.
Jimmy: "You are a tame onesh, huh?"
Jimmy: "Oh don't diesh!"
Jimmy: "ooopsh!"
Jimmy: "shtand up!"
Jimmy: "pleashe?"
Jimmy cries and quickly runs away.

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