Thursday 12 January 2012

Building a Bakery in Tabor East

~ Tabor East, Susanna & Jimmy ~
Susanna stirring dough: "Nishe of you to get up, Shimmy Bloch!"
Jimmy pulls his cloak tighter around his shoulders "Ish anosher cold day!"
Susanna: "Yesh, but I am quite warm from baking"
Jimmy: "Oh, you were baking, shishter? Mmmmm, fresh bread and butter maybe?" He walks from the ship to the bakery, looking at a big vulo of metal. "Ish a shtranshe bird here in she waysh!"
Susanna: "Yesh, my brosher, I metted a nishe young man called Will and he shaid I could ushe she ovensh at the bakery." She follows her brother, not stopping with her stiring. "He shuggeshted shat we shet up a shtall until shey know if she baker ish returning"
Jimmy frowns up to the entrance "I hope, shoshe ishiclesh don't fall down", then looks at his sister "Hmmm... A shtall? But wheresh?"
Susanna frowns as her little brother bounces around as usual. "He didn't shay where, Shimmy, shusht shat we could." She turns to the oven. "I hash made shome piesh and shome bread."
Jimmy scratches his head "If you wantsh to bake, I musht buy you shtuff, shishter. What do you needsh? I shink I have sheen milk over shere... and of courshe you need butter... and flour... and butter ... and eggsh too? ... and butter"
Susanna: "I needsh flour, eggsh butter, lotsh of butter"
Jimmy: "I will shee what I hash"
Susanna: "Larmash and ramberriesh"
Jimmy takes off his back bag and starts to search. "Hmmmm... I hash not many buttersh.... only shirteeen..." He hands 10 butters to his sister.
Susanna: "I hash shome shtuffsh shat Sheshi gave me."
Jimmy: "Hmmmm... sheeshe... ? can you make sheeshe cake?" He holds up two carrots: "Carrot cake? I only hash two. I alsho hash shat good shinsherbread..." He continues searching.. "Oh, flour!" He hands some bags of flour to his sister.
Susanna: "Yesh Shimmy, I Will try. I hash shome carrotsh"
Jimmy: "I hash shome ramberriesh... and shugar"
Susanna starts to put the ingredients on the shelves. "I should get a lock boksh, my brosher.... To keep my ingredientsh in." She looks around the shelves. "I shought I hash butter," she says as she starts to mix her butter cream for her cake."
Jimmy: "I hash given you butter, shishter!" He looks around again where they could put the pies and other sweets his sisters are going to bake. "You musht ashk she man you meeted for a marketshtall shen, shishter!" He dips a finger into the dough his sister is stirring, then licks it "Mmmmm..... good! but maybe a bit more... butter?"
Susanna: "Yesh when i shee him again." Susanna swoons a little. "He wash sho handshome, my brosher!"
Jimmy: "What ish hish cashte, Shushy?"
Susanna: "Mershant I shink, my brosher. He wash shecking shose boxshes over shere." She smiles behind her veil. "He alsho shaid, we should find better plashe to shtay shan she boat."
A by-passing slave: "Greetings"
Susanna looks up at the half naked boy. "Greetingsh, boy! Ish you not cold?"
~ A woman arrives, then a warrior ~
Jimmy turns as he hears a voice "Greetingsh!", he greets the slave back, but the boy already went around the corner. He turns back to his sister again and nods "Hmmm, a mershant... Sho he musht be rish! Did you ashked him if he hash a companion?"
He looks to the ship as a woman arrives. "Greetingsh, lady"
The woman: "Tal"
Susanna: "I did, brosher, but he shanshed she shubshect and shaid he didn't know what to do wish a woman." She shuddenly jumps as she hears the woman behind her. "Ahh!" Then after she caught he breath again: "Greetingsh, dear lady!"
Jimmy looks over his sisters shoulder and nods to the woman.
A warrior - half naked, wearing only a loincloth and a cloak - arrives.
The woman to the (mysteriously arriving) warrior: "Guad! Do you know a boy slave named Farrel?"
Susanna looks behind her to see a man ... a barely dressed man standing behind her... she looks him up and down but keeps stirring her buttercream.
Jimmy looks at the approaching man and nods "Tal", then turns to his sister whispering "Ish hish closhesh washed? He musht freeshe!"
The warrior: "Do you mean Guard? No I do not know such boy..." He looks over the fine city ladies wondering the reasons of their visit.
Susanna nods in agreement with her brother ... "Ish shtrange in the shity brosher"
The woman: "Do you know of a Jarl go by this name Rassir? Or Thordin?"
Jimmy stands protectively before his sister, but out of range of the butter-cream as she's stiring now almost furiously, her eyes fixed on the barely clothed man.
The warrior: "Nei, but feel welcome to search for such yourself"
The woman: "No, it is fine. I trust ye! Thank you for your time. So to both you all!"
The warrior: "Be well, little dame"
Jimmy himself looks the man up and down, whispering again to his sister "Maybe ish a good matsh for Sheshy? He ish almost ash tall as hersh"
Susanna: "ahhh!!". She screams as the lady vanishes before her and almost drops her bowl. "Did you shee shat!?"
Jimmy nodsnodsnods "Shat wash... shpooky! Maybe she priesht kingsh?"
Susanna nods furiously and beats her mixture harder.
Jimmy's jaw still dropped open stares at the place where an ihn ago the woman stood
The warrior laughs. "Dont be afraid! It is a windy city after all!" He looks over the open cooking lady. Engagement much obliged. "Auf Wiedersehen"
Jimmy blinks.
The warrior jumps on the boat and gives coin to the boat man. "10 nudges east, sailor!"
~ alone again ~
Susanna sighs as her brother starts to day dream once again and rests a bit from her stiring.
Jimmy: "Sho, we ashk shat osher man you meeted for a marketshtand?" He looks over to the ship and sees a dark figure: "Ish shat she captainsh?"
Susanna: "Whish one, brosher?"
Jimmy: "She mershant you shaid"
Susanna looks dreamily over to the man on the ship. "No, she captain ish not ash nishe ash shat". She looks at her brother blankly for a couple of seconds then she clicks. "OHHH Will!"
Jimmy blinks as the dark figure jumps from the other side of the ship overboard. "Oh, he fell from she ship! Good shat shere ish ishe!"
Susanna: nods and nods. "Not ash shoft ash water shough". She looks around. "Maybe you can make ush a cart, my brosher. Shere ish lotsh of driftwood around."
Jimmy sniffs "Hmmmm... maybe. Let me looksh at shat osher cartsh." He inspects the marketcart with black wine... "Maybe shomeshing like shish?
Susanna follows her brother and nods. "Yesh shat would be good."

Jimmy walks up to the counter of the bakery: "But shomeshing like shat would be goodsh too."
Susanna nods in agreement. "i shood like shis shop really, Shimmy"
Jimmy taking a closer look at the old, spoiled pies: "Look, shishter! Shere's greeen ishing on all she piesh. Even on she bread! - How do you make green ishing? Everyshing hash a green glashier!"
Susanna looks at the mouldy pies: "I shink it'sh leavesh juishe." She finally puts down her bowl thinking that the butter is creamy enough now.
Jimmy looks around. He collects some old boxes, puts them together and works a while... then throws an old blanket over it. He turns to his sister and announces proudly: "I hash build you a counter, shishter! How ish shat?"
Susanna jumps up and down and claps her hands excitedly. "Oh Shimmy, you are shush a cleaver boy. "
Jimmy smiles proudly then runs to collect all over the market every baskets and old plates he can find. He's busy for a while polishing, fixing and preparing what everyone else thrown away. He decorates the 'counter' nicely and finally presents it to his sister.
Susanna: "Ish beautiful .... Oh shome lucky girl ish going to be sho proud to hash you ash the farsher of her babiesh!"

Jimmy: "Shee, Shishter? Ish shere enough shpashe! Can you bake now lotsh and lotsh, sho she shitishensh don't hash to shtarve till sheir baker returnsh!
Susanna: "Yesh, my brosher, I will!"
Jimmy looks at his sister seeming tired: "You need a break, shishter. All shat shtiring!"
Susanna: "Oh yesh, Shimmy my dear, I ish going to lie down for a while" She hugs her brother tightly.
Jimmy: "Have a nap, shishter dear!"
Susanna: "Lovesh you, little brosher"
Jimmy: "Lovesh you too! Shee you latersh!". He watches his sister walking to the ship, then continues fixing and polishing, so that his sisters have nice plates to put the pies and candies on, they are going to bake.
After a while.. lulled by the warmth of the nearby baking-oven... he gets tired. He rests his head on the table and soon falls asleep, dreaming of tarns and swords and adventures.....
~ Later on the docks, Jimmy still sleeping,
 a man arrives, then another one ~
Two men are talking near sleeping Jimmy. One is Franziskus, the merchant he met the other day in Tabor Tropics. The other one introduces himself as Yogi. Susanna approaches...
Franziskus bows as the lady is approaching "Greetings, lady"
Yogi greeting to the Lady and bows his head.
Susanna stops dead on the way to her little bakery stall, seeing a very handsome man standing by the blackwine stall. She flushes... "Greetingsh, Shirsh... Pleashe ecshcushe me. I never meant to interrupt..."
Yogi: "This is a very nice town and many need to eat or to have food"
Franziskus' eyebrows snaps up as he hears the same accent he once heard before. He points over his left shoulder "You belong to that young man there, which seems to be fallen asleep, Lady?"
Susanna frowns thinking for a moment he means Yogi. "I shertenly do not, Shir!". She follows his eye line. "Oh I shee what you mean! Yesh, I am Shimmy'sh shishter Shushanna,"
Yogi smiles to both.
Franziskus nods to Yogi "You should visit me some day in my house at Tabor, Yogi. Or give me a map where I can find your place, then I can visit your, if it is not too far?". Then turns to the woman again "Ah, yes... Jimmy... that's his name. I think he fell asleep on the bench there. I met him once at our docks."
Susanna flutters her eyelashes at both men. "I will leave you gentlemen to your bishnish"
Yogi: "Thank you for this great offer"
Franziskus bows his head, introducing himself to the lady "I'm Franziskus of Tidra, merchant in Tabor Tropics"
Yogi: "I know this is the beginning of a great tradingship"
Susanna's smile grows hearing the man's name. Her brother had told her about him. Then turns to the bakery, she flushes and mutters "Shafe pathsh gentlemensh."
Yogi smiles: "Same to you"
Susanna pokes her brother to see if he is awake.
Franziskus smiles "Safe paths, lady" and watches her walking to the bakery, impressed by the wiggling of her big butt
Susanna all the time keeping her eyes on the handsome merchants as they leave towards the ship.
Jimmy wakes up from his nap, lulled by the warmth of the fire, just to blink and say sleepy "Greetingsh, shishter!", before his head bangs on the table again
Susanna: "Poor shleepy boy", she says ruffling her brother's hair. Then she prepares her ramberry pie and pushes it into the oven before starting another one
~ Susanna and Jimmy, Cessillia arriving ~
Cessillia scowls "Shtupid captain, shetting shale whilsht I wash shtill putting on my.... " Cessy looks at her brother for a moment then hisses at her sister "bloomersh". She sighs "I had to waitsh untilsh we shailed around the islandsh before he would takesh me back to taborsh harbor in the tropicsh"
Susanna: "How ish you, my shishter?". She offers her flustered sister a hug.
Cessillia smiles and draws her sister into a hug "Sho, what ish going on? Hash shat baker shtill not made any piesh?" She pokes one of the breads "Ahhh freshsh, but... hmm... looksh like one of yoursh Sushie?"
Susanna: "I shpokesh to a nishe man today called Will, very handshome... He shaid I could put a shtall out for our baking till she baker comesh back."
Cessillia understanding "Ahhhhhh!" Then she smiles and whispers "Jimmy ish not making enough on the tradesh?"
Susanna: "I needsh to make shome cookiesh"
Cessillia nods "...and piesh?"
Susanna: "He ish, but I shought it would give ush shomeshing to do." Looking around on the shelf.. "I don't have larmash, my shishter."
Cessillia nods "And we can shell you..... " coughs slightly "....givesh the captain a good dowery for you shooner wish more money"
Susanna ignoring her sister's comment, too busy with baking: "Sheshi, do you hash shome milk?"
Cessillia taps her chin with the finger, and then puzzles as to whether she could do with a shave already "Doeshn't one of sheshe shellersh have shome?" Searching in her oversized handbag... "I shink I hash a bottle"
Susanna worries about her oven getting cold.
Cessillia frowns "No, I hash not... one moment, I shink she shlave I gotsh she sheeshe from hash shome..." She runs to one of the marketstalls to buy milk.
~ Cessy & Susi baking side by side,
Jimmy sleeping on the bench, a man approaches ~

Susanna pauses next to her sister,
 Cessillia sighs "Not mush shocolate, will only be able to makesh ten cookies". She frowns as she lisps again.
Susanna turns and looks for her sister, "Sheshi, do you want to make shome larma piesh?
Cessillia scratches his chin for a moment "shocolate.... milksh..... ahhh need eggsh!"
Susanna: "Over here shishter, in the corner are our shupliesh"
Cessillia stokes her brother's hair as she goes past as he snores gently
A man approaches. "Something smells good!"
Susanna jumps at the man's voice. "ohh greetingsh, Shir" She turns from her cooking and straightens her apron.
Cessillia: "...ahhh... shat'sh good...." and starts to unload her armful of items, then jumps at a mans voice and quickly checks her veil is in place
The man: "What have you been making?"
Susanna looks the man up and down thinking to herself that Tabor seems to have a rich supply of potential mates
Cessillia smiles at the gentleman, her gaze lingering for a moment at his chest, then looking lower... then her eyes snap back up to his face. "Come in, Shir! Come near she fire. You musht be froshen dreshed like shat in shish weasher!". She smiles invitingly and points to their warm oven.
Susanna tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, "shocolate cookiesh," she says shyly. She blushes. "I ish Shushanna", she says, "and shish ish my shishter Sheshi"
The man: "Caught you with your hand in the cookie jar did I? I will take one hot fresh one"
Susanna giggles a little. "You are funny, Shir. We are taking over the bakery until she baker returnsh". She blushes again.
Cessillia smiles warmly, "Yesh, and shish ish our brosher Shimmy, who worksh sho hard getting a dowery for my shishter so she can companion she captain". She smirks at her sister and she says it and pushes up her breasts pretending to smooth down her dress.
The man: "Ok... can I get a cookie please?" He smiles as the buxom woman poofs her boosum out like a proud bird about the crow.
Susanna places two fresh baked cookies on the plate on the table. "My complimentsh, Shir," she says flirting outrageously.
The man: "Gratitude for the treat, dear woman". He gobbles both cookies down quickly. "Good indeed!". He tosses a coin in the dish for the troubles.
Susanna: "Your verdict, Shir?", she askes smiling when the gentleman compliments her cooking
The man: "Very good indeed!"
Cessillia yelps "Oh, she piesh!"
Susanna: "I hope you will shee ush again and try osher pieshesh of our bakery"
Cessillia nods "espeshially our world famosh piesh"
The man: "Perhaps". He stands up. "I must catch the capt on this boat leaving now"
Susanna: "Shafe pash, Shir", as he is running to the ship. She sighs and watches him walk away dreamily. "Shush a handshome man"
Cessillia looks through the shelves "hmmm.... need shome flower"
Susanna searches the barrels for larmas. "We hash no larmash eisher, shishter."
Cessillia hands a sack full of apples to her sister "Sheshe looksh good"
Susanna: "ohh, shank you, shishter"
Cessillia pauses for a moment "Shushi? Do you know howsh to cooksh pumkin piesh?"
Susanna: "Yesh shishter, I make pumpkin shoupsh"
Cessillia shrieks loudly
Cessillia: "shree copper trashksh for only five bagsh of flour!"
Susanna: shat is very eshpenshive shishter
Cessillia: Hmmmm... ahhh.. that shlave looks like he may have shome, let me she hish pricesh
~ Susanna & Cessy still baking, Jimmy wakes up ~

Jimmy wakes up as the delicious scent teases his nostrils. He rubs his eyes. "Ah, you are bushy cooking, shishtersh?"
Susanna: "Did you shleep well?"
Jimmy: "We needsh candish too!"
Cessillia: "I shink mosht shinksh are here... jusht flour shat ish... shtrangely prished". To her brother's suggestion: "Oh, yesh, that wouldsh be goods"
Susanna: "I needsh flour... shugar.... and butter.... lotsh of butter"
Jimmy: "We don't have shugar? Okay... floursh.. shugar.. butter of coursh... and sherriesh?"
Cessillia: "butter! I only hash 50 jars"
Jimmy curiously looks at the kettles: "Can you show me how to makesh sherry-candiesh?
Susanna: "Yesh, my brosher"
Jimmy: "What do I needsh for it?"
Cessillia frowns "But you musht not jump roundsh like you normally doesh, she shugar getsh very hot!". She taps her foot as she thinks of the receipe. "Hmmm.... 2 shpoonsh of honey... 1 shar of shugar..." she frowns "....and shen sherriesh to tashte, I wouldsh recomendsh 5..."
Susanna: "Nods as she drops the ingredients into the pot"
Jimmy rummages in the shelf "Shere'sh ramberriesh too! Can I make ramberry candiesh too?" He keeps on searching. "I shink I needsh more shugarsh. I find only one bag". He runs to the marketstalls excited. "I am going to shearsh for more shugar!"
Cessillia frowns "It'sh ekshpenshive here"
Jimmy returns pale in his face. "She shugar and she flour ish very ekshpenishive! I cannot make many candiesh!" He pouts.
Susanna stirring in the kettle reaches the spoon to Jimmy "Here, Shimmy, you try!"
Jimmy grinds the candies into the kettle, then adds the sugar. He waits till the sugar melted, having watched his sisters very well. He adds the honey, then draws lil drops out of the sticky mass, putting them side by side near the oven to cool down.
He bounces around waiting impatiently for the candies to cool down. Finally he can't wait any longer and picks up a candy. He blows it to cool it down more, then hands it to Susy "Here! Triesh, shishter!"
Susanna claps her hands. "Oh, well done, my brosher"
Jimmy takes another one, blows air on it to cool it down too and hands it to his other sister "Here! You triesh too!" He watches his sisters in anticipation.
Cessillia takes it innocently and pops it into her mouth presuming that he has checked how hot it is "oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"
Susanna blows on the candy then tucks it under her veil nibbling at it carefully. "Very nishe, my brosher"
Cessillia winces feeling her tongue roughen where scalded "yesh, itsh good..."
Jimmy watches his sister with a frown "Ish too hot, shishtersh? But I blowded on it!"
Cessillia nods "Yesh, maybe anosher few minitsh cooling neksht time"
Jimmy grabs another of the candies and pops it into his mouth, not bothering if it's hot or not
Susanna nods agreeing with her sister.
 Jimmy beams as the sweetness melts on his tongue "Mmmmmm.... I shink it'sh good for my firsht try!" He looks around if he finds another victim for his first attempt of candy cooking. As he sees nobody near to taste his first attempt of candy cooking he shouts "FREE CANDIES!!!". As he sees nobody coming, he shrugs "More for meesh!"

~ two slave boys joining the siblings ~

Slave boy 1 smiles at his handsome brother "Yes, I can really use some candy right now... or some paga"
Jimmy smiles as he sees two boys approaching. He whispers to his sisters "Oh, shey heard my call!" Then louder to the slaves: "Greetingsh, boysh!"
Slave boy 2 whispers: "Candy?"
Slave boy 1 grins at him and giggles "You have free candy, Master?"
Jimmy smiles and hands each boy a cherry candy "You tellsh me how it tashte! I made it myshelf!"
Slave boy 2: "My master likes me to eat candy", nodding. "He says it helps with the illness"
Slave boy 1 reaches with slender fingers and pops the sweet treat in his mouth, closing his green eyes to savour the taste " loves candy!"
Jimmy: "I am Shimmy of she clan Bloch. Shish ish my shisther Sheshi... And over shere.. oh... over here now... ish my shishter Sushy"
Slave boy 2 wipes the spit from his eye as it sprays "Well met, Master"
Susanna gasps seeing a half naked boy at the table. "Ishn't you cold?", she asks
Slave boy 1 smiles at them and eyes the candy after swallowing the treat he had "Well, I would have to say this boy's heart soars having met you, Master, and your family"
Jimmy turns to Susy and whispers "What'sh 'shoarsh'?"
Susanna blinks. "I shink it meansh 'fly', Shimmy .."
Jimmy beams "Oh, like she tarnsh warrior!" nodsnodsnods "Yesh! One day I will fly tarnsh too!" He looks at the barely cled slaves: "Hmmm, you boysh musht have cold. You shouldsht go nearer she oven. Ish warm shere. Maybe my shishter hash a sherry pie for yoush"
Slave boy 2 grins and looks over the array of sweets. "Yes, I am cold, and near 'bout starved to death!" looking pitiful "My Master never feeds me"
Slave boy 1 looks over at his brother and thinks he should have thought of that with a small frown.
Jimmy turns again to his sisters "Shee!? What I shaid! Sheir masthersh don't feedsh shem well, shat'sh why shey are sho skinny!"
Susanna looks at the boy appraisingly, never having seen so much male flesh before.
Cessillia nods "We would have shome larma piesh, but we are out of flour and it sheemsh to be sho expenshive here"
Slave boy 1 giggles and smiles, eyes twinkling "Oh this boy goes near the ovens all the time, Master. Me bakes and cooks for the highlands". He looks around "Where... where did my brother go?"
Jimmy: "He ish by she oven. Warming up and waiting for she piesh to get ready"
Slave boy 1 face lighting up with glee "Pies? There will be pies?"
Cessillia smiles "Pleanty! Wish lotsh and lotsh of butter to keepsh you boysh healshy"
Slave boy 1 almost trips as he scampers over to the oven whispering to Slave boy 2 "Do you think they will let us have some?", but Slave boy 2 has fallen asleep near the warm oven. [Slaveboy 2 crashed]
Jimmy takes his cloak off as it is getting too warm in the bakery so close to the oven. Curiously he watches the slaveboys "How do you keep sho CLEAN?", he wonders
Slave boy 1 looks hungrily at the pie.
Susanna smiles seeing the eagerness of the boys, "It will be ready shoon. You can try it for me and make shure it ish good"
Cessillia frowns at her sister and whispers "you never ushesh enough butter"
Slave boy 1 grins and licks his lips in anticipation.
Jimmy bounces excited "Our firsht cushtomersh!", not bothering that it's customers without coins.
Susanna checks the pie to see its progress
Cessillia smiles "Shecond, brosher dear! We sherved one whilsht you were shleeping"
Jimmy bounces even more "Oh! Our twoish custhomersh shen!!!"
Susanna: "Ahhh, ish ready!" She takes her gloves and takes the hot pie from the oven, carries it over to the table and puts it down.
Jimmy: "Can we hash shocolate milk, shishies?"
Susanna: "Sheshi come and cut it for she boysh"
Slave boy 1 looks excited and almost sits but catches himself quickly and looks a little uneasy
Cessillia nods smiling. "sho handsome, and sho mush naked shkin", she says dreamly
Susanna: "Yesh, Shimmy, you can hash shocolate milk"
Slave boy 1 looks down with a blush
Susanna points to the bench "Shit here, shweetie!"
Jimmy licks his lips in anticipation to taste the fresh baked pie
Susanna: "...and you, Shimmy, shit wish she nishe boy"
Slave boy 1 looks at her and frowns a little. "This boy is a slave, i cannot...", he frowns again looking around
Susanna whispers "I won't tell if you don't"
Jimmy: "Can we tashte it now?"
Susanna: "Shimmy, did you get shome milksh for you and your friend?"
Jimmy nods to his sisters question and holds the bowls up high before he places them down on the table "One for youuuuuush.... one for she osher..... one for meeeeee"
Slave boy 1 eyes moving to the Master jutting out his chin "If he tells me to, I have to... because he is a free"
Susanna blinks, "sho am i dear," she says indignantly. "Sho shit"
Jimmy too excited to hear his sisters question before asks the slave "Why you not shit wish ush?"
Slave boy 1 looking confused "But this one is pretty sure it must be him, not a woman"
Susanna: "Shimmy, tell your friend to shit". The turns to her sister: "Sheshie, would you like shome too?"
Slave boy 1 sits a little uneasily looking around thinking he will surely get in even more trouble now.
Cessillia smiles "Shere, doeshnt it feelsh good to shit?" She cuts the pie. "Maybe shusht a little, I am hashing a diet..." as she cuts herself a more than generous piece and cuts pieces for the others.
Susanna studies the boy carefully a question forming in her mind. "What ish your name dear?" she asks.
Slave boy 1 looks up from eagerly drooling over the pie, smiles at her "My name is Farrell"
Susanna: "Ish nishe name."
Farrell smiles at her and puffs out his chest "shank you" frowns and looks surprised "errr..thank you"
Cessillia pats her tummy as it growls slightly "Yesh, it'sh nishe"
Susanna: "Did you boysh get your piesh?"
Jimmy for a moment is too busy eating to focus on the conversation ((crashed)).
Farrell blushes and lowers his eyes and says quietly "Yesh, until my Master decides to skin me alive" sighs and his shoulders slump as he remembers the punishment to come.
Cessillia smiles at her sister and brother "It'sh sho nishe when shey teashesh boysh to shpeak correctly"
Farrell digging into the pie and swallowing the last bite, his fingers red from the cherries and smiles with a mouth full of them "Oh yesh the highlands they train me well"
Susanna looks at the boy's sad face and asks. "Who ish your mashter, Farrell?
Jimmy looks shortly up for a moment as he hears the boy's name... something in his mind... he thinks a while, then shrugs and concentrates on the chocolate milk again. And the pie "Can we eat yet?"
Susanna: "Yesh, my brosher, help yourshelf"
Farrell grinning brightly and sighing happily having eaten his full.
Jimmy: "You not eat, Shishtersh?"
Farrell stretches and pats his tummy "That was deliscious, almost better than the pies this one makes"
Jimmy leans over the table and whispers to the slave "She shecret ish she butter. Lotsh, lotsh of butter"
Farrell grins thinking of all the butter he churns "This one will remember that"
Cessillia lifts her veil delicatly, then shovels the piece of pie unto her mouth, her toes curling and a little purr eminating from her lips, then wiping her mouth she admits "yesh... you are getting better Shush, a little more butter neksht time sho"
Farrell wipes a little spittle from his face
Susanna: "I will remember, Sheshi. More butter"
Jimmy stuffs almost the whole piece of pie at once into his mouth. Then wipes the filling from his lips with the back of his hand "Mmmmmm.. .. phummy!"
Farrell pushes himself up looking to the sun. "well... this one should be getting home"
Cessillia smiles "She captain will be very happy shoon, almosht a perfect cook nowsh"
Susanna: "Come and shee ush any time, dear"
Jimmy: "You didn't drink your shocolate milksh!" He grabs his own bowl before anybody else can and empties it quickly.
Farrell looks from one to the other and blinks in confusion, frowning a little " may this one be permitted or..?"
Susanna blinks not understanding
Jimmy looks puzzled from the slave to the chocolate milk, blinking like his sister.
Farrell looks "May this one make his way home?"
Jimmy: "Oh, when you hash to go you hash to go, boy" Then adds "You shure you don't like shocolate milksh?"
Cessillia smiles "Yesh, but comesh again shoon"
Farrell grins at him "Thank you, Master, may your paths be shiny and bright Master". Backing away respectfully before padding on his way.
Susanna smiles behind her veil. "Yesh boy if you hash to go you hash to go"
Jimmy: “Shafe pah!”
~ A weird stranger arrives ~

Stranger: "Tal all"
Cessillia frowns "Now where did I putsh my milk?", she mutters as she ponders
Farrell blinks hearing the voice and looks up with a smile "Greetings Master"
Jimmy watches the slaveboy leaving and before anybody can look he grabs the other bowl.
Susanna: "Tal, Shir", she replies, no longer surpised by people popping up behind her.
Stranger: "Farr, do you know were the market here is?"
Cessillia smiles as another handsome male approaches, then frowns slightly as her sister speaks first to yet another man prodding her brother to make introductions
Jimmy quickly swallows the chocolate milk, then opens his mouth to greet the approaching man but burps instead from drinking the chocolate milk too quickly. "Oopsh! Shorry! Tal, I meanted!"
Stranger: "Can anyone tell me were the market is?"
Susanna rolls her eyes at her brother's uncouth behaviour.
Cessillia slaps her brother's back worried that something went down the wrong way.
Jimmy points to his right "Ish marketshtallsh shere, Shir"
Farrel ponders "I..I may know, Master" chews his lower lip "maybe"
Jimmy falls from the bench as his sister slaps his back hard "Ouch"
Stranger: "Farr, you may go about your duties"
Susanna looks at the boy kneeling in the snow.
Stranger: "Jimmy... a nice tip if you show me to the market"
Farrel: "Master? This one can try and show you the...", then he frowns " this not it?"
Jimmy bounces up and down, then frowns "You know my name, Shir? Have we meeted before?"
Stranger: "no, I cheated" He laughs
Susanna stares in wonder that the man seems able to read minds and thinks hard to see if he can see what she is thinking.
Jimmy looks a bit confused at the man, not really understanding his strange accent, but willing to help him: "Sho, what are you shearshing, Shir?"
Susanna: "Farrell did you not hash to go home?"
Jimmy as his sisters calls the slave again by his name suddenly remembers what bothered him the whole time "Washn't shere she woman today shat wash shearshing for shomeone wish shat name?"
Stranger: "Well it looks like I am not going to get help here"
Jimmy looks to Susi "Don't you remember, shish? She woman shat disappeared like a cloud!"
Susanna: "Yesh, my brosher, you are right. She shtranshe woman shat vanished before our eyesh"
Jimmy sighs at the weird stranger.
Farrel looks confused.
Jimmy: "She shaid she ish lookin for a Farrel and... or... what wash she osher name?... hmmm... Rishco?.. no, shat wash not it.... Rashta? No, shat wash not it eisher..."
The Stranger comes back around looking at the women with a mean glare of anger.
Susanna: "It shounded like shat my brosher..."
Jimmy: "Rosho?.. hmm... Ri... .Ra... Rashir? Wash it Rashir?"
Farrel blinks and looks up "Master? My Master is Master Rass..Rassir"
Susanna: "Shat ish the man she wash shearching for."
Stranger: "Boy, two people told you to go back to your kennel"
Farrel looks at him "Yes, Master, but then they started to tell me how my Master was here earlier looking for me"
Jimmy raises his eyebrows as the man returns, looking a bit lost "Sho, What are you shearshing, Shir?", he asks him again, not getting any reaction. So he turns back to the slave and nods: "Yesh... Farrel or Rashir... she wash shearshing for shem.. but no... it wash not a man... it wash a woman...."
Farrel frowns "But it was a woman looking for me?"
Susanna: "Yesh, a woman"
Jimmy: "And she wash looking for eisher a Farrel or a Rashir"
Susanna feels the need to repeat everything her brother says for some reason
Jimmy: "She ashked if we know one of bosh, what we didn't, of courshe"
Farrel ponders "of course". Then he looks to the fine master "Master, this one thinks this may be the market"
Stranger: "And for your information, boy: I still hold the tag on you"
Susanna: "Shimmy, if you keep shkipping like shat you will be shick"
Stranger: "I may just buy you for amusement"
Farrel looks down with a blush and whispers "Yes, Master"
Stranger: ".... and bed you with the bosk"
Cessillia nods "...or getsh the hiccupsh"
Susanna raises an eye brow at the man's chastisement of the boy
Farrel sighs, shoulders slumping and frowns thinking that may be better than the punishment his Master will dole out and shudders.
Jimmy clears his throat "Shir, wish all reshpect... I might be only a shepherd... But I wash talking to shish boy!"
Stranger "oh... I am chastizeing him now?"
Farrel looking wide eyed from one to the other.
Susanna (( sigh okay please can you learn not to read minds. That was a thought not a spoken word)) goes back to check her pies in the oven.
Cessillia strokes her chin looking at the ovens and wondering if the boys around here can be hired.
Stranger: "Boy, if you wish a boat to the highlands, come!"
Jimmy: ((and - no offence - but as long as you didn't learn proper RP don't interrupt other's RPs. Thank you))
Farrel mumbles and apolgy to his new friends and runs off.
Jimmy: "Shafe pash, boy!"
Susanna shouts: "Shafe pash, boy"
Jimmy: "What a shtranshe man!"
Susanna: "Very shtranshe"
Cessillia nods and plucks some crumbs from her dress "And sho rude!"
Jimmy: "Well, shishtersh, you look tired from all she shtiring today"
Cessillia nods "yesh, all shish shopping"
Jimmy looks over the table "Everyshing ish filled? Shish looksh very nishe"
Susanna: "Yesh, I worked hard wish Sheshi'sh help". She takes the pie and puts it away for later.
Cessillia smiles "I shopped moshtly, shush nishe shlavesh here"
Susanna: "Yesh, I likesh shish idea of boysh shlavesh"
Jimmy pouts a bit as his sister takes away the pie. Still hungry, as he didn't get a dinner, but he didn't want to bother his sisters making him something to eat, as they were so excited baking.
Cessillia smiles "Shat little slave, wonder if he cansh cook?"
Jimmy: "I don't shink we can afford a shlave"
Susanna: "Do you hash to pay shem shen?"
Jimmy: "Maybe rent one from time to time and pay shome copper bitsh to his mashter?"
Cessillia nods "Yesh, maybe"
Jimmy: "Not pay shem, but BUY shem, shishter. And shen... shey are sho shkinny! You hash to feed shem a lot! Shink of all she food you need for shem"
~ Cecillia going to bed, another stranger arrives ~

Stranger 2: "Tal"
Susanna smiles as yet another handsome man drops by the bakery.
Jimmy turns as he hears a voice behind him "Oh, anosher cushtomer! Tal, Shir!"
Stranger 2: "Are you the baker?"
Cessillia smiles as yet another male approaches deciding that amongst them must be one she can fatten up for a companion.
Jimmy: "My shishtersh are for a while, ash long ash she osher baker ish not here." - then introduces himself: "I am Shimmy of she clan of Bloch"
Susanna: "How can we help you?"
Jimmy: "Shish ish my shishtersh Sheshy and Shushy"
Susanna waves at the man
Stranger 2: "I just smelled all the treats. And I thought maybe my larl headed this way. Sometimes he sneaks out and eats a pie."
Cessillia waves demurly, fluttering her eyelashes at the man, then blinks, gathering her skirts and jumping on the table "l....lll.... LARL??"
Stranger 2: "Oh, yes a fierce one at that. But not to worry he is still very small"
Cessillia gulps nerviously still looking around for the larl.
Stranger 2: "You haven't seen any paw prints in the pie have you?"
Susanna gathers her skirts around her, "doshe he bite?"
Stranger 2: "Most of the time he doesnt. But he has sharp teeth"
Cessillia smiles "No, shey are all freshly baked, no foot printsh"
Jimmy looks around for foot prints on the pies, then shakes his head to the man "No foot printsh!"
Susanna suddenly gets the urge to check them though she has been with them all the time and has not seen a larl.
Stranger 2: "Hmm, I wonder where he woud have gotten too. He does love pie."
Susanna looks under the tables.
Stranger 2: "... and other things. I find a lot of dead animals on my door step"
Jimmy looks at the old pies.. the mouldly ones from the old baker "Hmmm... maybe if we put sheshe on she floor, shen it doeshn't eat she fresh onesh?"
Susanna nods and nods and nods
Jimmy frowns "I hope no verrsh on your door shtep!"
Stranger 2: "Who is sheshe?"
Cessillia gulps nerviously "I.... I...... I thinksh I needsh to getsh shome more butter from she shship" she says as she hurries towards the ship to hide from the larl
Jimmy looks at his sisters and nods "Maybe you should shtay on she ship, shishter. Ish shafer wish a larl around"
Susanna shouts: "Look out for larlsh, sheshy"
Cessillia creeps onto the ship and hopes it is not her emagination that she can hear a purring close by.
~ Susy, Jimmy and the stranger ~
Stranger 2: "Oh, my name is Conner by the way"
Jimmy smiles "Oh? Conner Bysheway? Shat ish a nishe name!"
Susanna: "Well metted, Conner Bysheway," Susanna says fluttering her eyelashes.
Conner Bytheway: "why.. thank you... I like it very much! Oh, and if you see my Larl... his name is Kiba"
Jimmy looks at his sister, then steps a bit aside, so he can make the right impression to the man.
Conner Bytheway: "He is less likely to eat you if you know his name"
Susanna: "I shall keep an eye out for him"
Jimmy nods "Kiba? I shink I can remember shat!"
Susanna: "Kiba"
Conner Bytheway: "'Yes, just Kiba.. not Kiba by the way"
Jimmy: "Sho, Conner Bysheway... Do you hash a companion?"
Conner Bytheway: "Nope, no companion"
Susanna: "Would you likesh shome pie?"
Conner Bytheway: "I must say you all have an interesting accent. Where is it from?"
Jimmy pushes his sister a step forward. Then looks puzzled at the man. "We hash an akshent?"
Susanna eyes shine brightly. "Really," she says interestedly. "Nore am I". She smiles behind her veil. "Shome pie?" She gets a new pie from the table and takes it over to the dinner table.
Conner Bytheway: "Oh yes! I love pie. Pie keeps up my energy for fighting off outlaws. Please sit. Join me for some pie!"
Jimmy nods to his sister as she's preparing some pie for the man, then whispers "He'sh handshome, but sho shkinny! You hash to feed him up, shishter"
Susanna: "Shimmy get shome shocolate milk for Conner Bysheway"
Conner Bytheway: "Oh, shocolate milk... what is that?"
Jimmy sighs as he already reached for the pie. He stands up to get another bowl of chocolate milk.
Conner Bytheway: "Can you eat pie with a mask on?"
Susanna: "Mashk?"
Conner Bytheway: "Thank you for the shocolate milk cant wait to try it"
Susanna: "Oh, you mean my veil.. yesh I can, I shusht lift it up"
Jimmy places the bowl of hot steaming chocolate milk before the man, then sits quickly in the hope he can get another piece of cherry pie too.
Conner Bytheway picks up the goblet and takes a drink. "mmmmmm.... taste yummy! Reminds me of chocolate milk"
Susanna: "Yesh," Susanna says, "ish shocolate milk, I shaid shat already. Ish good yesh?"
Jimmy giggles "Ish shocolate milksh, yesh"
Conner Bytheway: "Yes, but it taste like chocolate milk. Maybe chocolates and shocolates grow on the same tree?"
Jimmy giggles "Shocolate not growsh on treesh", then turns to his sister "What'sh wish she pie now? I'm staaaarving!", though he just had 2 pieces and three bowls of chocolate milk
Conner Bytheway: "Oh yes! Lets serve up some pie"
Susanna: "Pleashe help yourshelf, Shir"
Conner Bytheway takes a big old bite of pie. "nom nom nom.... mmmmmm mis mie is delicmous..."
Jimmy tilts his head a bit and smiles warmly to the man "No offenshe, Shir Conner Bysheway,... I am shusht curioush.... Did you shuffer a lot in your yoush wish shat speesh defect of yoursh?"
Susanna smiles that her baking is apreciated and tasted unlike Jimmy who doesn't let it touch the sides.
Conner Bytheway talks with a mouth full of pie: "mwat meech mefficit?"
Jimmy takes a piece of pie as his sister doesn't look for a moment and quickly stuffs it into his mouth "pht phu nfft pha 'shcphlt'"
Conner Bytheway: "me smeak mormifcall mormal"
Susanna rolls her eyes as the two men insist on talking with their mouths full. "Mensh!", she mutters and checks on her latest batch of cookies
Conner Bytheway: "Mensh? Does your sister always talk with her mouth full?"
Jimmy swallows the pie with a loud gulping sound, then licks his fingers. With his fingers in his mouth he asks again in case that the man didn't understand him "I meant, that you can't say 'chocolate'!" - His eyes looking apologizing, as he - with the fingers in his mouth - has this strange accent suddenly too.
Jimmy looks puzzled from the man to his sister and back to the man "She meanted 'mansh'... shat ish more shen one"
Conner Bytheway: "Chocolate? Where? We are drinking shocolate!"
Jimmy chuckles "I shink she meanted ush"
Conner Bytheway: "Oh! Us not chocolate?
Jimmy looks confused "shocolate? - You want more?"
Conner Bytheway: "Sure! I love shocolate"
Jimmy points to the bowl "Ish shtill half full"
Conner Bytheway: "I kind of like it better than chocolate." He drinks some more to wash down the pie.
Susanna: "Shimmy dear, I shink I will shleep a bit"
Jimmy stands up "Oh, yesh, shishter. All she shtiring!"
Susanna: "It wash nishe to metted you, Conner Bysheway."
Conner Bytheway: "It was nice to met you too"
Jimmy: "Maybe you better take a rolling pin wish you to she ship? Becaushe of she larl..."
Conner Bytheway: "Oh no! Dont hit my larl wiht it!"
Susanna: "Give your shishter a hug!"
Jimmy hugs his sister tight "Shleep well, shishter"
Conner Bytheway: "If you give him some pie he will be fine. He loves pie!"
Susanna: "Don't shtay up too longsh, brosher"
Conner Bytheway: "Matter of fact I will take some pie for him when he ges home." He puts a slice in his pocket.
Jimmy nods "I won't, shishy dear"
Susanna kisses her brothers hair, then turns to the customer: "Good night, Shir!"
Conner Bytheway: "Good night and safe paths"
Susanna: "You too, good Shir"
~ Jimmy and Conner Bytheway alone in the bakery ~

Conner Bytheway: "So Shimmy, where you from?"
Jimmy as his sister turned to the ship, takes a piece of pie and puts it at the corner of the bakery, just in case to distract the larl from the other sweets on the counter. Then he gets to the counter and pours another bowl of chocolate for the man, placing it before him, then sits on the bench opposite of him.
Conner Bytheway: "Oh, I think we ate all the pie"
Jimmy: "We comesh from a villash in she norsh... near she big forersht"
Conner Bytheway: "Oh, is it nice there?"
Jimmy shrugs "I like it. Ish all family. All she clan of Bloch. And many verrsh. I hash 19"
Conner Bytheway: "There is 19 of you?"
Jimmy: "My fasher shend ush to trade woolsh and to find companionsh for my shishtersh"
Conner Bytheway: "That's a big family"
Jimmy: "No, 19 verrsh. My family ish sikshty. Shat'sh at leasht what Sheshilia shaysh. I can only count to twenty "
Conner Bytheway: "What's a versh?"
Jimmy: "You don't know verrsh?!?"
Conner Bytheway: "Versh? Can't say I seen one. It's like a bosk?"
Jimmy: "Shmaller shen a boshk. You know where woolsh comesh from? ... Oh wait... I show you painting!". He hands the nice man a painting "Shish ish Elishabish, my favorite verr"
Conner Bytheway: "Oh what a nice painting. You should have that framed"
Jimmy nods "Ish a nishe verr"
Conner Bytheway: "A verr... ok now I knwo what it is... I never knew its name before... it looks very friendly "
Jimmy looks intrigued at the mans clothes "Shat ish nishe closhesh you hash. Musht be ekshpenshive, no?"
Conner Bytheway: "Oh this old thing? I get paid nicely for helping to keep the city safe. I also get free drinks in the tavern!"
Jimmy hears some sounds in the bakery and thinks of the larl. He jumps up, ready to defend the pies, but relaxes, as it is only the slaveboy that fallen asleep by the fire.... The slaveboy mumbles something in his sleep, then turns and snores again.
Conner Bytheway: "Ohhh I thought it was kiba too." He frowns. "I don't know where he could have gotten to."
Jimmy: "Oh really? Sho you are a warrior? And you don't hash a companion, you shay? hmmm.. hmmm.... We are trading wish everyshing we find, sho shoon I will hash a good dowery for my shishtersh." - He smiles and winks
Conner Bytheway: "Warrior?... hmm I guess you could call me that... I am a mercenary... Captain Conner of Thassa"
Jimmy: "Oh, a mershenary... shat ish... shomeshing like a mershant?"
Conner Bytheway: "well... sort of... instead of paying for goods you pay for my blade. I also do investigations.... and discover imposters"
Jimmy looks in awe "Oh... I alwaysh wanted a shword, but my shishtersh shay, I will only poke my eyesh out wish it... Hmmm, sho you do inveshtigashionsh? Ishn't shat painful?"
Conner Bytheway chuckles "Looks like you can poke out a few eyes with that spiky club you got! - Oh no, not all! It's a lot of fun. Sometimes something is not right and I find out what it is. But mostly I end up drinking a lot and eating cookies"
Jimmy grins "Oh, shat shoundsh like a shop for me! But I do hash to protect my shishtersh. Shey are sho weak and helplesh..." He sighs.
Conner Bytheway: "They look strong though. Like a bosk"
Jimmy: "Ah well, shey are healshy.. yesh.. but after all shey are only womansh"
Conner Bytheway: "Yes, but woman’s can bake good cookies!"
Jimmy nods "Oh yesh... shey can cook! Espheshially Cheshilia. She alwaysh shaysh 'You never can ushe too mush butter!'"
Conner Bytheway: "mmmmmhmmmmm"
Jimmy: "Anywaysh... We hash to shtay here for a while until she ship ish free of she ishe"
Conner Bytheway: "Oh, so I will be seeing more of you and your family?"
Jimmy: "And ash my shishtersh heard, shat she baker ish away for a while, shey offered to care for she nishe shitishensh of she shity until she baker returnsh." He nods "Yesh... we will shtay a while, I shink. Shome peoplesh are nishe... oshersh.. hm... not sho nishe!"
Conner Bytheway: "Oh good! Maybe you will get to meet kiba! He loves he bakery."
Jimmy gets big eyes "I only shee one larl in my life yet. It ate one for my verrsh. It was Shondra 1. Well, it wash a mean beasht... she verr, I mean... Shondra 1... hm.. she larl too, I shink?... anywaysh... larl ate Shondra 1... Wash not nishe"
Conner Bytheway: "Oh I would say so. Kiba is very friendly though. I don't think he would eat your verr. Though I dont know he eats urts"
Jimmy giggles "Well, I not hash my verrsh wish me... only sheir woolsh." He sighs a bit "I mish shem!" He takes a deep breath, then continues: "How did you get it tame? Uncle Veshter shaysh you can't tame a larl. ... If it eatsh urtsh, shen it would be good to have a tame larl, eshpeshally on she ship"
Conner Bytheway: "Well, he is stll a baby... when I first found him, I thought he was a chipmunk... but then I learned he was a larl"
Jimmy gets big eyes again "Ohhhhhhhh! A shipmunk?", then asks "And what ish a shipmonk? ... Oh wait... I shink I heard it before! Ish anosher word for tree-urt, ish it?"
Conner Bytheway: "Yes, kind of like that. It is small... and brownish ... and furry"
 Jimmy nods nods nods "And it livesh on treesh"
Conner Bytheway: "I saw a picture in an earth book, and I thought it looked just like that"
Jimmy: "...and shometimesh shey make funny noishesh shat almosht shound like shomeone shinging"
Conner Bytheway: "Yes... well... Kiba started to growl like a larl... so I figured hmmm maybe he is not a chipmunk"
Jimmy nods again understanding "Sho are you not afraid when it growsh bigger? You will need to buy lotsh, lotsh of piesh, when it's really big."
Conner Bytheway: " yes he will probably eat all the pie in the bakery.... hmmm... I have not thought of that... I thought of giving him serum to keep him from aging"
Jimmy pushs his lower lip over his upper lip... thinking. "Hmmmm, shat ish an intereshting idea. I never shinked of shat" Then he smiles at the thought of selling lots of pies to a larl "Ash long ash you pay for it. Shen I shoon hash she dowry for my shishtersh"
Conner Bytheway: "Yes, I 'borrowed' some serum from the green just in case"
Jimmy adds quickly "Not shat shey wouldn't be lo-ve-ly even wishout a good dowery"
Conner Bytheway: "Rule number one of being a Mercenary: You can never be too prepared..." He hears mention of the dowry.
Jimmy: "If shey would shusht shtop shearshing a companion for me too! She womansh are all sho shkinny!"
Conner Bytheway: "Rule number 2: You can never have too much coin... oh they are trying to find a companion for you too?"
Jimmy nods sadly "Yesh... and yesh... sho hard to make coinsh... eshpeshially when you can only count to twenty... and not read and write...." - He lowers his voice "... but I am learning shecretly when my shishtersh don't watsh" He continues: "And yesh... shey want me to get a nishe woman.. sho shey can hash many nephewesh and neishesh... Shey want at leasht twelve"
Conner Bytheway: "Do you come with a dowry too?" Then his eyes get wide "12???"
Jimmy: "Not shure if twelve of eash or all togesher" He shrugs "Ish not mush, ish it? Only shikshty people in she clan, and I am she lasht heir to keep she name alive... well... ekshept of my coushinsh"
Conner Bytheway: "12 is a whole lot. We don’t even have any children around here"
Jimmy: "And no, I don't hash a dowery. Shtill working on she one for my shishtersh! ... 12 ish not sho many... My grandmosher had two timesh 19"
Conner Bytheway: "She must have been a big woman too! Where do women find all those children?"
Jimmy: But she wash very old." - He thinks hard to remember the number as he can only count to 20 ".... hmmm... I shink 328 yearsh old"
Conner Bytheway: "Old indeed!"
Jimmy chuckles "You don't find shildrensh... you make shem! You not know shat?". Then he shrugs "Sho I shink I hash time to find me a companion. I want to shee she world firsht. "
Conner Bytheway: "Oh yes, best to have adventures! ... That is my 3 rd rule: better to have adventures than children"
Jimmy stretches "Well, I shink I should shoin my shistersh in she ship shoon. It wash a long day wish building she bakery and helping shem baking.. buying all she shtuff for shem what shey needed... eshpeshially butter of courshe.... I hope shey shell shome piesh, becaushe it cosht us a lot of coinsh"
Conner Bytheway: "Well thank you for enjoying pie with me"
Jimmy beams as he sees another man approaching "Oh, anosher cushtomer!", then pouts as the man walks by "... or maybe not"
Conner Bytheway: "It was very nice to meet you." - He turns to look at the by-passing man too. "No appreciatin for yummy things apparently"
Jimmy stands up and stretches, then bounces to to get the blood circulation back. "It wash very nishe to meet you too., I hope you shoon find your little larl!"
Conner Bytheway: "Thank you! Let me now if you see paw prints in the pie. I live right around the corner."
Jimmy nods "I will. Shafe pash, Conner Bysheway. Hope to shoon welcome you again here!"
Conner Bytheway: "Yes, safe paths to you!"
Jimmy picks up his bag and his cloak from the corner of the bakery. He shoulders both, then walks towards the ship. "I hope my shishtersh don't shnore too loud!" He waves with a smile to the nice man, before he turns to go under deck and join his sisters

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