Saturday 14 January 2012

Last Day in Tabor

~ Early morning in Tabor,

Jimmy meets a slaveboy in the Tropics ~

Jimmy as his sisters are still snoring leaves the ship in the very morning. Enjoying the early morning sun he travels around the different markets of Tabor, searching for more baking goods for his sisters and for other goods to trade with. In Tabor Tropics he meets and old drunken man, who doesn't react. Then a slave boy approaches...

Jimmy: "Oh, greetingsh,kashirush!"

The Slave boy frowns seeing Ol' Grumpy fast asleep when there is a customer to be served and kneels smiling "Greetings Master, may I assist you?"

Jimmy: "Me wantsh to buy shirty shaltsh or sho... But Old man here shleepsh. Me guesh he drunk. He shmellsh like shul-paga... and he shtinksh!"

The Slave boy blushes "He lost his wife and children, Master. My Master has taken pity on him despite the cost and tries to help him recover, we try to make what we can at this trading post to support his poor free man who has seen so many hardships in his centuries of life"

Jimmy nods and frowns, although he doesn't even understand half of the strange accent of the slave. Then he points to the stall with salt: "Me don't want take out one shalt after she osher. Need a bigger bag... or shack! Sho? Can you make me shirty porshonsh in ashack?"

The Slave boy frowns scratching his chin looking the master up and down "Such a quantity would be very expensive, Master"

Jimmy: "Ish... hmm... shirty multiplicated wish 1 copper...ish...." He counts on his fingers"...Ish many! Me hash money! Many coinsh!" He beams proudly and pats his full money pouch.

The Slave boy smiles sweetly: "I think that can be arranged, Master. Do you wish for it to be delivered to a port for you, or......" Endy's eyes glisten at the mention of coins and he tries to avert his eyes from the Master's hip "...or do you wish to carry it?"

Jimmy: "Me can carrysh. Me'shshtrong." He slaps his chest "Me ish shon of peashant. Working hardon sher fieldsh every day and caring for my verrsh!"

The Slave boys miles looking at the Master's muscles. "We could do with more strong Masters like you, Master - the fields her grow fallow through lack of care and harvesting"

Jimmy looks left to the jungle and right to the snow-hills. "Fieldsh?"

The Slave boy points over to the residential farm lands "fields" though currently snow covered of course

Jimmy nods "Aye... when you shay sho". He shrugs.

The Slave boy smiles"Let me check, there may be a sack big enough in the storage"

Jimmy nods "Me waitsh!", then gets distracted from the snack-bar.

The Slave Boy drags a bag carefully having counted it twice. "It wash shirty..." - He blushes bright red -"Thirty jars you required Master?"

Jimmy looks at the chocolate lebkuchen.He takes one in his hand and sniffs at it. Then nods to the slave, then licks on the lebkuchen. As he feels the chocolate on his tongue, he smiles:"What ish shish?" He carefully nibbles at it "Mmmmmm, Ish good!", then takes a big bite.

The Slave Boy smiles."A very special treat, Master, good for putting a spring in yourstep", he says as the Master jumps around whilst nibbling the treat.

Jimmy: "Shpring in my shtep?",he asks puzzled, stops chewing.

The Slave Boy smiles "Make you jump for joy, Master"

Jimmy nods understanding. "Will tell my shishtersh to bake shat too!". Then he looks down to the sack "Sho, ish shirty?"

The Slave Boy carefully opens the top of the bag to show the Master: "Shir.... thirty jars, yes Master"

Jimmy nods and keeps the second half of the lebkuchen tucked between his big white teeth to have his hands free to take the pouch from his belt and count the money. "phhhhhooooooo....ipppphhhhhhh.... phennnnnn..... phwenty.... hmmmmmmmm...... phow phany phrrrr?" He never learned to count further then 20, as they only have 19 verr at home.... plus averr-herding sleen....."

The Slave Boy looks blank for a moment. "che..... Ten Master"

Jimmy: "mmmhmmmmmm". He nods and in the nod accidently bites through the lebkuchen. His eyes following sadly the lebkuchen falling to the ground. He takes a deep breath and swallows the last bite, then counts the last 10 coins on his hand.

The Slave Boy frowns at the crumbs falling to the floor, but decides that at least the snow sleen will get well fed.

Jimmy takes a rep cloth from the counter, his fingers sticky from the chocolate he tries to wrap it around the coins with some difficulties, as the cloths decides to stick to his fingers. "hmmmmmmmmm..." He finally manages to wrap the coins into the cloth and gives the lil pouch to the boy "Here! Shirty!"

The Slave Boy smiles and pushes the salt bag towards the Master, and carefully takes the cloth bag tucking it in with the stones in his pouch "Thank you, Master, I am sure you will find our salt some of the finest available"

Jimmy nods and reaches for the bag, shouldering it easily "Ish good for cure meat"

The Slave Boy smiles and nods "The best, Master"

Jimmy: "Me wish you shave pash and may your verr alwaysh find grash!"

The Slave Boy frowns as he hears the captain behind him calling for last passengers before setting sail.

The Slave Boy grins back at the Master "May your meat always be fresh and salty"

Jimmy looks a last time sadly at the crumbs of the lebkuchen on the floor, then takes a deep breath and hurries towards the boat.

The Slave Boy smiles and waves a farewell to the Master.

Jimmy back in Tabor East on the ship puts the salt to the other goods he gathered for trading. Then decides to take anap, until his sisters wake up....

~ hours later in Tabor East,

Susy and the bakerof Tabor

Jimmy wakes up ~

Susanna stands talking to a lovely well dressed woman, welcoming her back to Tabor after her long absence. Sadness fills her eyes as the woman tells her that she is the baker, finally returned to her home city. Susanna looks at the lovely table and all the hard work her sister and herself had done in the kitchen, baking fresh new products for the occupants of Tabor ... now for nothing. "Oh well" she says to the lady. "We wash only here till she ishe melted anyway." She looks up seeing her brother and sister finally awake and coming towards them.

Jimmy after a long sleep, dreaming partlyof his beloved verrs, partly of being a mighty tarnsman riding one of those big birds, crawls on deck. He looks around and calls for his sisters:"SHUUUUUUUUUSHYYYYYY! SHEEEEEESHIIIIIII!" He walks to their temporarymarketstall, blinks and rubs his sleepy eyes "Oh, shere you are, shishter!Where ish Shessie?"

Susanna rolls her eyes at her brother's uncouth ways. "...ish Shimmy," she says turning to greet him."Sho you finally deshided to get up."

Jimmy lays his head aside, noticing just now the woman in the dimmed light of the bakery "Greetingsh, lady"

Bakerwoman looks to the unfamiliar man and offers a small nod. "Tal, Sir."

Susanna wets her apron and wipes her brother's face, moving the dirt from his cheek.

Cessillia grins and yells "Jimmy, Shushi!" and waves happy to have finally found where the captain dropped them off.

Susanna pulls Jimmy to her side. "Shay hello to she nishe lady Shimmy."

Jimmy tries to duck under his sister's hand, bouncing and fidgeting around "I shaid hello! And hush! It wash along nite wish shat nishe Bysheway!""

Susanna: "He sheemed very nishe but sheemed to have a very bad ashent."

~ The bakerwoman left,

Jimmy, Cessie and Suzy on the docks ~

Jimmy: "Greetingsh, Sheshie!"He counts the coins on the counter "Oh, we made shome shalesh!"

Susanna: "Ash she lady baker sheems to be back, I shoposh we should move on." Suzy smiles at her sister ."Did you shleep well shister?"

Cessillia smiles and grins happily, the mean captain having claimed he had dropped them off at an island again due to the smell of Verr from Jimmy.

Jimmy inspecting what they sold:"Not mush sho... only a shlishe of bread... one of eash shinsher breadsh...and a candy-cane..."

Susanna: "Well every little helpsh,Shimmy dear."

Jimmy: "shat's only... "- he counts the coins " shree coppersh"

Cessillia sighs "Not even a shack of flour here for shat"

Jimmy looks worried as his sisters earlier words finally reached his sleepy mind "Sho, shat wash she baker?". He takes a deep breath considering the many goods he bought for the many, many pies his sisters were baking. Especially the butter... Then he looks for a long time on the counter "Well... I can put it all into she cratesh and we move on?"

Cessillia sighs "But shere where sho many handshome malesh here!"

Susanna nods and nods in agreement with her sister.

Jimmy: "Sho, we pack all in,shishtersh?"

Cessillia strokes her chin "Ah well, maybe she pies will shell well elshwere"

Susanna sighs sadly "Well, we knew it washent going to be forever,"

Jimmy: "Sho many piesh!"

Cessillia nods "but not quite 'tomorrow'" she sighs

Jimmy: "But I didn't shink it wash sho shoon!", he complains as he starts to careful pack the pies and other goods into the crates.

Susanna helps her brother, packing up the jars of candy. "Shtill," she says sadly. "I hash fun cooking it all. And we can shell it elshewhere."

Jimmy as he finished putting the stuff into crates grabs the now heavy boxes and carries them carefully to the ship. A bit panting he returns to his sisters "I better empty she shelf?"

Susanna: "yesh"

Cessillia nods "Yesh, we cansh always cook shome piesh on the ship"

Susanna looks around sadly thinking how empty it looks now. "Aye, I likesh to travel anywaysh"

Cessillia smiles "Shere willsh be osher bakeriesh, osher shingsh to cook, my shishter"

Jimmy packs all the things from the shelfinto crates and leather-bags.... mumbling "one for Sheshie... one forShushie... one for Shimmy... one for Sheshie..."

Susanna: "Ish shame ...". Shelooks sadly at the blackwine stall. "Sho many handshome men here," she says reminiscing about the very handsome merchant she has met the day before.

Jimmy hands each of his sisters a bag, giving them all the good stuff for cooking, as he's sure, his sisters will always take good care of his tummy... which right that moment is rumbling a bit.

Cessillia smiles "thanksh you,Shimmy"

Susanna takes the food from her brother.

Jimmy: "I shink shat ish all, shisthersh"

Susanna hoists her bag on her back,"Ish enough, my brosher"

Cessillia smiles "Shank you, brosher"

Jimmy: "Well, shishthersh... I shinkit ish time.... She ship sheems to be free in she morning, shaysh she captain." Then to cheer his sisters up: "New advenshuresh!"

Cessillia: "New shalesh!"

Susanna nods: "New advenshuresh, my brosher"

Cessillia: "...... new men!" She blushes slightly at her thought being spoken out loud.

Susanna giggles. Then the three of them walk on board of the ship, waiting for it to set sails to new lands, new adventures, new sales and... new men.

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